duminică, 27 noiembrie 2011

Ideas while travelling. Choice.

pictures from: www.livebare.org

Last night as I was coming back home by  metro, I saw a print with Gillette. I forgot which number and what magic properites :) but I realized that their idea is that "If you, men, shave with Gillette, you will become the most desired man in the world". And i was just wondering: Is it so easy to become the most desired men..all you have to do is....shave. Right? 
And what was more funny for me was that I was thinking at a message from BMW  sounding like "Shaving is important. Still, cars create desire." 

M, my ideas, my moments.  Stay focused!:)


miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011

The brand game

I loved this girl's blog so I share with you her ideas: http://innaimas.wordpress.com/copywriting-books/

The proof of what I wrote down

Speaks for itself!

The culture of taking side

Yesterday I have witnessed one of the greatest sermons I have ever attended on the topic of "simplicity and simplism". Our pastor said that the difference between these two is that the first one means the valuable choice that we make everyday on the basis od our settled priorities and the other one is the the lack of knowledge, the poverty of our soul. Now, watching this video I can only distinghuish two things. The ones that bully the small, readhead boy, are the ones who occupy their free time by making fun of others while their inner side is left out of good treasure. And I believe the last video I posted relates to this one. The behavioural xerox taken from their families are mirrored in the people they see around them and they make them suffer. The readheaded boy, more introverted and suffering from this bullying, who makes the difference from the others only by the colour of his hair, finds encouragement when the guy from the bench takes his side by simply having the same colour as him.
I love how this video underlines the unity in problems, in suffering. But what I love the most is the expression of the small readhead boy who seems to begin a new life, more motivated than before and who sees a better way of dealing with problems.
Simplity and simplism. Life, problems, suffering. There will always be someone who will be near you. Set your life priorities and be guided by them. Who know who you might save?
Choose the better S.

vineri, 30 septembrie 2011

Copyright: www.bluquote.net
   Words and life together 

  I’m in love with words. I just feel like I want to write. That simple.

  Maybe you expect to write in a way or another. Maybe you want me to make mistakes. Human kind. Maybe people should stop thinking so much about how and start at some point act. That’s the spirit of real life. 

  I would like not to hear from people about prejudices, flaws, hard feelings. To see the joy in their eyes as they wake up in the morning and realize they have at least half a day more of their life.  Thinking how easily you can perish, you might just make up your mind and stop waiting for things to come to you. 

   I have been watching my beloved movies for about half a day (one of those moody days I’d say) and , at the end of the last one I closed my eyes reflecting about the fact that I have been indeed waited for people to come to me, to ask me, to smile at me first, to make me feel as if I’m the most important person in their lives, to ask me for what I wanted to be asked, to be able to give the best response out of 10 people and to be proud about that.

    I’m not filling in pages with words. It’s what I felt. I am not ashamed. I am proud to admit that those of you who are out there reading , you are actually reading about my life and not just random ideas come out in metro station while waiting for time to pass. Why my life? Just because I’ll have the joy to hear some of yours one day.

     I truly encourage you to stop waiting people to come to you.  No matter what, go and have a quarter of hour along chatting with someone. You’ll discover yourself too. I’m glad I was selfish this week. For now I know what  it feels to be the opposite.

    So, maybe you expect  many things. But I expect from you not to have absurd ideas.  Breath in, have some honey and think about people. They’ll see the real you when you will start acting so. Run, cry, smile, work, be creative, take a walk, eat blueberries, drink a cup of green tea. Not in this order. Put some salt in your life. Pour some of your kindness, love, appreciation into others people lives. Expect nothing. Be there for them. 


duminică, 4 septembrie 2011

Youth in Action Programme 5.1 Trans-national Youth Seminar
27th June-2nd July 2011 Turkey, Antalya
Renewable Europe / Energy Effeciency and Green Economy Summit

Turkey “ Renewable Energy” Project part of Youth in Action Program, held in Antalya, in the greatest 5***** Harringtonresot Hotel, where Poland, U.K, Slovenia, Romania, Germany, Italy, Spain and Israel met to discuss one of the most debatebale topics : alternative and renewable energy and the situation of Central Europe from this point of view.

I am not an expert in this field. I'm not. Really. First day when we arrived my leader ( Catalina Tanasescu) and my collegues ( Vlad Rosu and Bogdan Tanasescu) were shocked in a good way and continuosly asking “what are we doing here?” or “ are we sure we are in the right place?”
Let me tell you why. First day was conferences day ( as far as I remember) in this huge, tastly designed room where Directors, Managers, Internationals Conference Men were invited to discuss on the project's topic included in this great International Seminar, part of Youth in Action Program. One week and we participated to workshops, discussions, debates.

I don't want to be redundant and say how great it was and bla, bla..because personally I had a great time learning, sharing, debating not only on renewable energy but also on daily life topics. Oh, if you want to visit or you're interested in taking part of this kind of project check out Eurodesk page or YIPDA facebook page:http://www.facebook.com/pages/YPIDA/236515553040261 or the project page group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/renewableeurope/

I will try to attach some photoes from the conference and some with the beautiful city of Antalya when internet conection will work better:)

Until then,  in train to Brussels:)  right now on my way to Sighisoara

sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011

The cheese comparison

 X: -You are all the same!
 Y: -What do you mean?
 X:-You all want power, status, stability!
 Y:"-Don’t you?
 X: "-Oh, come on, of course yes, but not like that..
 Y: -Like what?
 X:-Like you'd..

And the lines continue flowing unless she stops. Yes,  it was indeed a man-woman conversation. Let me tell it my way.

Once upon a time, in the land where “no” means “yes” and “yes” means “no” and it is not Bulgaria,  where the sky is not always blue because she took all the blue to herself, and where grass shouldn’t be stepped on by everyone, cause status should ,indeed, be gained in very interesting ways, according to some, there lives our beloved character Cheese. Cheese was a beautiful young, energetic, quintessential, outgoing character who has just felt the need of taking a stroll around the beautiful, lavender field. There she was, our lovely character wandering as if liberty forgot to lock its doors.

On the other side of the field lives Wineoildka, a rugged, continuously grumbling character, with an incredible urge of destroying what’s called a „good mix of salad” . But he wasn’t lonely in town. Oh, no, no sir. There is Merlotloilnskaia and Cotnarioilnskaia and Slaninkaia. The three of them had different tasts and saveur. Cheese wasn’t the only character of this type either. There was Brie, a famous French rooted character, Camembert, Gruyere, a Swiss famous cheese, Urda, a Romanian, saulty, solid, possesive type. One thing that neither Wineoildka, Merlotloilnskaia, Cotnarioilnskaia or Slaninskaia didn’t understand was that they cannot make a smooth tasty-mix of salad due to the different characteristics of their  ingredients. For example, our character here, in front of whom I deeply bow, Brie, is a picky, squeamish soul, impossible to be mixed with Slaninskaia. Imposiblitando. No way. So, here comes Slaninskaia starting criticizing Brie. Too fat, too picky, expensive etcetera, etcetera. You make you mix.

Now, landing back on this planet where Brie is not a daily cheese and Merlotoilveinskaia takes a bit of courage to be tasted, let’s uncript the mesage here.

Cheese is us, women. All the other names are men. I mixed up names of wine, vodka and oil. Merlot-oil-Stalinskaia or Slainina-Stalinskaia to make a clear comparison of things. Maybe not my best choices, but it is indeed plastic metaphor.

You cannot say she’s not good enough, make unuseful generalization regarding a certain „Brie”. No, monsieur. Brie, available for you too, cherie. If you make a small investigation you’ll see that you have no solid standpoint  and no solid arguments. Also, there’s no such thing as Merlotloilnskaia. Wine, oil and vodka shouldn’t under any circumstances be mixd. Probably Jamie knows best. Don’t try to hide in the back of some modern wave of saying women are bla, bla, in a word, materialistic. Don’t you need status? Don’t you need stability? Or someone to whom you can speak while, let’s say, look in their eyes without biting your lips nervously thinking the’re are 5 minutes left until the metro comes? Or, let’s say, some it-doesn’t-matter-what-food-to-put-on-the-table things for your inside house pet-children? Huh?

I am not stating the're aren’t any materialistic women. But try to stop conforming yourself with www  ideas and superificial gossip stuff. Build a mind. Ask yourself if it’s how things actually are. And next time when you talk to somome on this type of topics, not women and men stuff, no, but debatebale things, think it over. Is Tv talking? Is www talking? Is it your life experience? Is your principles talking, if there are any? Who talks when you talk?


marți, 22 martie 2011

You- first person out of 7 billion

This is me not writing. Because if I argue why and how I ended up writing,  people would roll up their eyes saying I’m like no special at all. Yet, even for me, “me” is  a fluid concept. You will discover me through this. You can judge what I write. You can gossip what I do. Fine by me. But I know that in the end, you’ll put a smile on your face, unfrown, fix your eyes on my picture and say: “That’s my girl!” and you’ll be asking yourself if you could do this.

 Don’t ponder too long. My answer for you all out there is “yes”. You can do everything you want as long as it’s up to the rules of the Word. Yes, I am talking about you, out there in the world, creating, being on someone’s person lips. Exciting, right? With faith you can, believe me,  move the mountains. Ask for it to your right, to your left, but the answer will, in the end, come from the sky, as we all consider it is, from He Who has created you. Mark says “therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have the.”
This might be me. Or not. But I am sure that this is who I am for He created me.
As you can see,  there are many you’s. It’s because you are important for someone and especially for your Father. You are number one for Him out of almost 7 billion people. You.