marți, 22 martie 2011

You- first person out of 7 billion

This is me not writing. Because if I argue why and how I ended up writing,  people would roll up their eyes saying I’m like no special at all. Yet, even for me, “me” is  a fluid concept. You will discover me through this. You can judge what I write. You can gossip what I do. Fine by me. But I know that in the end, you’ll put a smile on your face, unfrown, fix your eyes on my picture and say: “That’s my girl!” and you’ll be asking yourself if you could do this.

 Don’t ponder too long. My answer for you all out there is “yes”. You can do everything you want as long as it’s up to the rules of the Word. Yes, I am talking about you, out there in the world, creating, being on someone’s person lips. Exciting, right? With faith you can, believe me,  move the mountains. Ask for it to your right, to your left, but the answer will, in the end, come from the sky, as we all consider it is, from He Who has created you. Mark says “therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have the.”
This might be me. Or not. But I am sure that this is who I am for He created me.
As you can see,  there are many you’s. It’s because you are important for someone and especially for your Father. You are number one for Him out of almost 7 billion people. You.

5 comentarii:

  1. You can do everything you want as long as it’s up to the rules of the Word -this is awesome, i like way you write it

  2. Thanks a lot:) I appreciate sincerity:) God bless you:)

  3. and yes, you are are one out of 12 billion feet:)

  4. Sunt prea mic intr-o lume asa de mare
    Unul din 6 miliarde de oameni si mii de popoare
    Insa Dumnezeu in palma Lui ma are
    Si, culmea, nu sunt singurul, ci El tine pe fiecare
    Care la bratul Lui cauta alinare, scapare, iertare
    Dar stii, ce mult ma doare
    Faptul ca de foarte multe ori stau in indiferenta si nepasare
    Fata de Isus care a ales sa moara
    Crucificat penru a-mi oferi
    Prin har, si nu prin fapte, salvare (o actiune mantuitoare) ...

    si daca voi mai continua gandurile, vor deveni o mare apasare pentru cei care citesc si-si vor pierde orice rabdare sa citeasca aceste randuri amare scrise de un poet oarecare fara culoare care se intreaba: o sa inteleaga cel ce citeste, ce vor aceste ganduri sa insemne, oare?

  5. Felicitari, Puiut, pentru ce ai scris. You have something special inside of you ;))
