sâmbătă, 14 aprilie 2012

The war of love

For me writing  is expressing my soul and it's there where my war begins.

I know my father is proud of his little girl with whom he's just had a great, strong conversation on what C.S.Lewis summarized as: "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained."

Another aspect I am sure of is that even if you're not a believer, even if you don't take God as your Every-Second-Life-Master and you have questions about the Eternity but search no answers, you avoid the Truth. And it's called ignorance.We're born with it , must fight against it. But if you try to overcome the fear you have(that you have unconsciously) about His real existence, you'll get to the point where a great reality will blossom into a new life you've been looking for so much time that you got confused in the middle of the road.

God is real and if you ignore that, it's a choice made upon pure subterfuge of superficiality.

My dearest reader, whoever is out there, genuine feelings of love come from our loving Father and sharing it with others, in its own, unique quintessence, establishes the sentiment of warmth, trust, cooperation, sincerity, candor that only God and family are able to offer.

Family is a river of love. But the spring is God and it's Him who nourishes it. It's the conclusion I got to on the closing stages of my conversation with my father. My biological one this time:) Love is not related to morality in this case. Ir is strongly, directly related to God.

Love is to feed the one who does not have  bread on his table.
Love is to give water to the ones longing for it.
Love is to wake up in the morning and wish to be a great shoulder for your wife or husband.
Love is to give a phone call and appreciate.
Love is to show up when hurt friend needs you.
Love is to control your speech when you want to explode.
Love is....

Continue the list in your own heart where I know the war of feelings, thinking, meditating upon your life is expanding as we speak. Start and express it for the love of God.

P.S Our business is to LOVE!

Source for C.S Lewis quote: http://users.comnett.net/~rex/cslewis.htm